In order to reveal how fast it can spread a disease, in this case smallpox, the French company Ubisoft video games, has created a simulator that shows how the world would collapse because of the pandemic.
'Collapse' as it is called the simulator uses real data and places making the game more frightening. The user , who would become the 'patient zero', has to choose between the different options that the program proposed according to the area where it is located.

In our case, we chose one of the most important places in Moscow, Arbat Street, where only the first day and infect 23 people. On the second day, the 'patient zero' go to the hospital but paramedics spread, which in turn will spread the disease from hospital to hospital and the number of infected is increasing dramatically.

On the fifth day hospitals are overcrowded and in our area there are more than 1,000,000 infected. While pharmacies are not medicines, begins to panic and start registering the first deaths from smallpox. Two days later the authorities declared a state of emergency with more than two million infected in Moscow.

Then the simulator proposes to 'patient zero' flee to another place, since the city is unsafe and we chose Los Angeles, USA But flights accelerate the spread and many countries decide to close their borders. Martial law was established, and looting and riots occur worldwide. At day 11 the number of dead reached 1,667,645 while the number of infected more than 58 million.

Shortly after the situation is out of control and enforcement they can not cope, people stay at home for fear and communication networks and energy begin to fall due to lack of maintenance, and day 18 the world remains in darkness .

In our case, the global society came to an end in just 22 days, more than 700 million deaths and more than 1,000 million infected.

Source: RT