Improve spine and improve your condition 5 tips - y69

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Improve spine and improve your condition 5 tips

What we do not really care about - the behavior of the day. It turned out to be a bad habit.
These all lead to our backbone:
  • Milk situation
  • Stay behind the computer
  • Build a mobile phone
  • Bear your bag in your shoulders
  • Hug little children
  • Sleep on wrong position
For that reason, we have prepared for you the following advice.

Back massage tips

1 . Identify the spinal disease caused by the back and backbone favorable environment. For example, after a long computer stay, the backache or pain in the weekend whether the neck is backward or lowered; Is there any illness to change your position? Can you feel sick in the back of a new job, a new chair or a new car? For several months, this unhealthy illness will perish.
2 . Hold your back while you stand while sitting on the chair. When you stand, you need to distribute the weight correctly. Whenever you sit, your backs, legs, ears are in the same line and the thighs are important. Even sitting longer, even longer, will make you feel tired. Additionally, avoid loading your feet, side-by-side, rows, or head while sitting.
3 . Always get up and move. Slowly in one position, it will hurt your back. The muscles are overloaded, so stay up close and try to move. For example, every 30 minutes of walking and stretching exercises.
4 . Notify the workplace as a bad place. While walking, doing something, and holding a phone ... Improving the work environment, and improving the home and car condition. Time to time, but do not waste time or money for treatment.
Improve your workplace in the short term and follow our advice.

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